Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Fresh Start.

I have a past life.

Not in the reincarnation sense (although I’m pretty sure I was cool as shit in all of those too, if that stuff is true) so don’t throw up any signs of the cross or hail mary’s and leave.

From the outside I was living the American dream. I was married. A stay at home mom of two and a daycare provider of two more. I had a spotless house. I was always caught up on laundry. My floors were always mopped. My kids were on a strict schedule. I was financially secure enough to buy almost anything I wanted within reason. We were fortunate enough to buy a house. A new car. Take vacations. And I was completely miserable.

In the last two and half years though, all of that changed. I’m divorced. I’ve moved out of the four-bedroom house that I thought my kids would grow up in and into a small rental. I work full time at a job that makes my brain hurt and barely pays the bills. The kids go to daycare. My floors are generally sticky with God knows what and I almost always spend the majority of my Sundays washing and folding six loads of laundry. I’m frazzled and stressed and some days I want to pull my hair out. But I’m happy. I have a great boyfriend that loves the kids and treats all three of us like gold and I finally – FINALLY – feel like myself again.

One thing that I do miss about my former life is the little blog I used to have. I started with nothing and although it ended up with pretty much the same way, I was proud of it. Proud of the followers I had, the friends I made, and the good things people would say about it. I never did giveaways, was never organized enough to get advertisers or do product reviews, not ambitious (read as: patient) enough to post craft tutorials. Mine was solely an outlet to do what I love – write – and a place where I could talk shit about my kids (lovingly of course) – and find humor in the day to day bullshit that went along with my SAHM status. I quit blogging not long after starting the job. I was exhausted and overwhelmed and more than a little pissed off that the ex had some friends who liked to troll on it and report back to him things said.

I’m ready to come back to it now though, I’ve missed it, but reactivating the old blog felt weird. That is a chronicle of my former life, pages in my history, and I need to start fresh. So here I am. In all my foul-mouthed, sarcastic, single mom insanity glory. Hold on to your butts, people. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad to see you blogging again! Now I can get back to my daily (or maybe weekly?) laughs.

    I'm also glad to hear how happy you are. You deserve it! ♥

  2. Daily?? Lets not set the bar too high here, lady. I'm not you!! ;)

  3. This is long overdue...WELCOME BACK! We've missed you!
